About the initiative

The Blue Divide is an endeavour to amplify the lives, voices, struggles and strengths of women confined by the intersectional divide created by gender, class, and the nature of work in the informal economy.

Through our website and social media, we hope to bring stories, articles, discussion forums and more and unearth a new discourse that involves the lives of women working in the shadow economy, supporting us as we continue to shine in the limelight

We function on three pillars of impact

  • Inform people about different facets of the women’s lives and the challenges they face so as to generate awareness and informed opinion
  • Sensitize people, generate empathy and curiosity amongst them  to kindle a desire to change
  • Educate people on what they can do to become agents of change and participate in the process of change

Our editorial approach

We are of the opinion that unequal access to digital resources has led to shaping the discourse on the internet towards the privileged. Through our platform, we aim to bridge this gap and represent the underrepresented voices. However, we do acknowledge that as privileged researchers and writers, we have our own vantage point and we need to put in deliberate effort towards ensuring that we don’t appropriate the lived experiences of the women we hope to represent.

Secondly, while our opinions are somewhere informed by personal experiences, we try to take a research-backed approach towards all our content, and source our findings and insights from interviews with women or experts, or existing content in the form of articles, papers, books, webpages, videos, etc.

Lastly, we are limited by the resources and time available but we strive to make the best of what we have. While we might use case studies and first-hand accounts to make a larger point, we try to ensure that we don’t make uninformed comments about any individual/ organization/ section of our society.

Our parent organization

The Blue Divide is an initiative of Women’s Identity and Progress.

Women’s Identity and Progress is a nascent not-for-profit organization that aims to impact women workers employed in the informal economy through market-oriented solutions. Through our interventions, we aim to support women in a way that positively impacts how women and everyone else feel about their identity as individuals, and as a result, how we strive towards progress as a collective.

To know more, visit our LinkedIn page.

Our people

Our content is brought to you by the joint effort of students and professionals from diverse backgrounds. These are people who acknowledge that an equal world requires us all to put in a collective effort, and are willing to put in that effort voluntarily. We are deeply grateful to everyone who has and will contribute to our effort. 

Click here to know more about our amazing people!